Located in Manhattan’s fashionable Little Italy, the Mott Street Hotel is a boutique-type hotel with 38 guest rooms. William Schaffel of W. D. Schaffel, a real estate development company, and restaurateur Jean Georges conceived of the project. Above the ground floor lobby and reception desk, ACHA designed a small ballroom and lounge, spa, and swimming pool. 

From the lobby, guests walk down a swooping stair to the dramatic dining room, evoking the glamour of a grand hotel. Through a tautly stretched scrim reflections of light from the swimming pool illuminate the restaurant. The feasibility study compared the development of the property as a hotel and apartment building, showing five floors of condominiums units and six floors of hotel rooms. 

Mott Street Hotel / Nolita

Project Credits
ACHA Team: Ali C. Höcek, Kevin Browne


Itochu / AdPak:New York City?workspaces


Tina + Rocco:Harlem?Residential,PreFab