Since its opening in 1988, the Museum of the Moving Image has been recognized as a major, internationally known institution and the only museum in the United States dedicated to exploring the art, history, and technology of the moving image.

For the museum, ACHA has designed several exhibitions.  The most notable of these is their core exhibition, Behind the Screen, extending over two floors and 15,000 sq ft. The exhibition immerses visitors in the art and technologies of making moving images. It features over 1,400 artifacts, from costumes and merchandizing to 19th century optical toys and contemporary video games, as well as an array of interactive experiences, audiovisual material, and artworks.

Museum of the Moving Image / Astoria

The architectural design of Behind the Screen is the result of orchestrating the work of numerous consultants, engineers, artists, and designers to create a cohesive and flowing curatorial narrative, both for entertainment and education, and engaging for a wide audience, from film and video aficionados to elementary school children.

Mr. Höcek was a panelist at the American Association of Museums in Atlanta, where he presented ACHA’s design of Behind the Screen. ACHA’s other designs for the museum include the traveling exhibition of the same name, which showed in venues across the country and in Europe, and Hot Circuits, an exhibition presenting a history of electronic arcade games.

Project Credits
ACHA Team: Ali C. Höcek, Dylan Gould
Mechanical Engineer: Dinlenc Mechanical Engineers
Structural Engineer: Severud Structural Engineers
Lighting Designer: Hervé Descottes, L’Observatoire International
Contractor: Tangram International


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