Project MERIT

Architect AC Hocek Architecture
Project The Tristes Tropiques Houses, Nicaragua
Client Building New Hope

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” This adage inspired the architects to propose a prototype community for Building New Hope, a volunteer organization that supports grassroots development projects in Central America, to provide affordable housing that is largely self-constructed. Using micro-financing models, the home- building program forms communities with groups of five to 10 women. Each group is granted financing and trained to work alongside staff workers. A fabrication facility manufactures the

lightweight roof and wall panels; a single house has two bedrooms, an outdoor kitchen, and a bathroom. Prefabrication allows for a higher quality of workmanship, reduced costs, and a well-designed

product. The base unit of development is for eight families residing on one acre of land. Teach women how to build a house and they learn a new trade, provide shelter for their families, and together, build a community.

Jury: “The architects challenged available technology by using available materials. Beyond techniques and actual buildability, this project has a depth of meaning.”

AC Hocek Architecture: Ali C. Hocek, AIA, Calista Ho, Cynthia Corsiglia, Sarwat Yunus, Cheuk Kei Hui


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